Complete Choice

0414 890 464 / 0466 057 770

39 John St, Salisbury, SA 5108

National Disability

Insurance Scheme

What is the NDIS?

A national disability insurance programme – NDIS. It enables disabled individuals under the age of 65 to obtain the care and assistance they require.

The NDIS is for those whose ability to participate in daily activities is significantly and permanently impaired.

If you are qualified, you will determine what reasonable and essential supports you require in order to live your life and accomplish your objectives. After then, you’ll get money to pay for these supports.

On the NDIS website, you may get further details.

Our Onboarding Process
Step :1

Exploration Phase

Step :2

NDIS Home and Living Support Team approval

Step :3

Complete Choice Quote

Step :4
Complete Choice Client Match & Source housing
Step :5

Complete Choice & Client Final Agreements & Intake

The NDIS is Australia's first national programme for people with disabilities. Individual donors receive financial aid from it.

Why was the NDIS introduced?

Prior to the NDIS’s implementation, disability services in Australia resembled a lottery. a raffle where the amount of money you won relied on where, when, and how you got your disability in addition to where you lived. Some people received adequate funding, while others did not. The system was unjust and placed some people in a precarious position.

Announcing the NDIS in July 2013. Although it took some time, the nationwide rollout was finished by the middle of 2020.

What is a goal?

The Commonwealth Government funds the NDIS, an insurance programme that provides appropriate and essential support to help people with disabilities achieve their goals.

An essential component of pre-planning is goal-thinking. Currently, the NDIS advises establishing two short-term and two long-term goals. A goal can be something new, like “I would like to make new friends” or “I want to increase my independence,” or it can be something you’re already doing, like “I want to continue living independently” or “I want to continue attending social club once a week.”

Who is eligible for the NDIS?

  • Age: At the time of application, you must be less than 65 years old.
  • Residence: You must be a citizen of Australia, a permanent resident, or a citizen of New Zealand with a Protected Special Category Visa.
  • Disability: You must be permanently disabled, meaning that your inability to move, communicate, take care of yourself, or manage your life is significantly hindered.

What types of supports are available through the NDIS?

  • Daily routines for individuals
  • Using transportation to make it possible to engage in daily activities including community, social, and economic life
  • A participant can successfully get or maintain employment in the open or subsidised labour market with the aid of workplace assistance.
  • Assistance with domestic chores as part of the participant’s access to therapeutic supports so they may maintain their home environment
  • Assistance to a participant by qualified personnel in the evaluation, installation, and training of aids or equipment
  • Construction and design of home modifications
  • Mobility tools, and vehicle alterations